Winter Mental Health Tips
This is the time of year when many of us start to feel the mental health impacts (such as sleep disturbances, low interest in activities, fatigue, and irritability) of having less exposure to daylight.
Recognizing that this winter may be a difficult time for a lot of families across the province, especially those whose children have mental illness, Children’s Mental Health Ontario has rounded up some expert tips to help you through the season.
1. Thinking about gratitude
The start of the calendar year may be a good time to reflect and make space for feelings of gratitude. Often when we are dealing with difficulties and challenges, we tend to focus on what’s not going right. But if there is anything the last year has shown us, it’s that families are resilient. Take a few minutes to think of the things you are grateful for and encourage children to do the same. That is not to take away from how challenging things have been over this last year, but rather, it’s an opportunity to recognize that some good things have been happening, too. If there are younger kids in your family, consider helping them journal feelings their feelings using colours. If you do it throughout the day, you and your child may notice points where they felt ok and it gives you a chance to talk about what changed in the day.
2. Let your kids help make plans
Take time to collaborate with your family on activities to stay busy. Even something as simple as a family movie night at home can be turned into something special for young children by pretending you are in a different place, like a movie theatre. If your teen is feeling unmotivated to leave the house, try to really understand what’s behind their feelings – perhaps they are concerned about the virus. Ask if there is anything new that they are interested in trying. It gives you a chance to help them address the issue and potentially shift how they feel about going out. Another idea is to have your child/ teen teach you how to do something (maybe a new technology or game), giving them a chance to demonstrate their knowledge and interests.
3. Stay connected
When the cold weather tends to keep us indoors more often than out, it can make it challenging to stay connected. Help your kids stay connected with friends in new ways. Talk to children and teens and ask what methods of connecting with friends help them feel comfortable. Is there a virtual program they could do together? Depending on your child’s interests, it could be something like a shared online yoga or dance program. Let your teens know that you understand how difficult this time is and validate their feelings – there is no question that this is a hard and challenging time for a lot of youth and teens.
4. Embrace winter
Understanding that physical health and mental health are connected, it’s important to stay active. Having a positive mindset about winter may encourage you and your family to think of new ways to get outside more. Spending time outdoors and in nature can have a positive impact on our moods – the snow and cold doesn’t have to change that. Building a snowman or a snow fort can be a fun way to spend time together outdoors and enjoy an activity that we can’t do other times of the year!
5. Stay active
When there’s snow, there’s lots of activities to be had such as tobogganing or ice skating. But if sledding is not the right speed for you and your family, try getting outside for a brisk walk in the day in your neighbourhood. Going out for exercise, even on cloudy days, will give your body a boost. You might even like to venture further out for a winter hike in a local park.
During a Twitter chat with the #kidscantwait community, we asked parents and mental health experts what they plan to do to stay busy over the kids’ winter break. Have a look at their responses for more ideas on staying active over winter.
6. Keep healthy habits and routines
Prioritizing the healthy habits that you normally have, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and exercising regularly will help. Routines – and knowing what to expect in the day – can be especially helpful to children with mental health issues.
7. Self care for parents and caregivers
Parents and caregivers should also keep up with self-care and know that it’s ok to take time for yourself. It’s also ok to reach out for mental health support for yourself. Check in with your own mental health – how are you feeling? Are you getting the support you need, whether that means just taking time for yourself doing things that you enjoy or speaking to somebody? It’s important that you feel strong so that your kids can feel strong as well. Child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario are here to help parents and caregivers – not only the children. You can also connect with parents and caregivers through our Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH) peer support groups.
8. Reach out for help
Having a child who is struggling doesn’t make you a bad parent, just as being a child who is struggling doesn’t make your child a bad kid. It’s just the particular challenge that your family is dealing with right now. It’s ok to ask for help. Asking for help doesn’t mean that you have failed your children or are ‘bad parents’. Reach out to a child and youth mental health centre in your community. Help is available from child and mental health experts who can talk to your child or you, or both. Find help here.
Learn from Indigenous Communities
When it comes to thriving in the outdoors, we have a lot to learn from Canadian Indigenous communities. Getting outdoors is an opportunity to reflect on our roots and connect with nature. In Northern Canada, some schools used the pandemic to create more outdoor programming to help students connect with and learn more about the way of life of their elders. For Indigenous communities, being outdoors and being connected to the land is a reminder that we are “part of something bigger and I do have meaning here.”
Thank you!
Thank you to child and youth mental health workers for sharing your expert advice:
David Cho, Individual and Family Therapist, Lumenus
Nicole D’Souza, Individual and Family Therapist, Lumenus
Cara Kaiserman, Supervisor, Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre

You Don’t Have to Do This Alone.
If you are a parent/caregiver worried about your child, or a young person looking for help yourself – please reach out. Our network of child and youth mental health centres has 4,000 professionals ready to help children, youth and families with free counselling and treatment. We provide care in person, on the phone and virtually. No problem is too big or small.
Find your closest child and youth mental health centre.