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Ask a Child and Youth Mental Health Expert

Do you have questions about mental health and back-to-school? This is an opportunity to ask a child and youth mental health expert your question.

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School Mental Health Backpack

To help parents and caregivers get ready for back-to-school, Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) has updated our School Mental Health Backpack. We want to empower families who are concerned about their child’s mental health and help you find further mental health supports if you need them.

Back to School Questions and Answers

Thank you for submitting your questions. All questions and answers will be added here.

What can families start doing in the summer to prepare for back-to-school?

The way our kids are feeling can be unpredictable. Take time in the summer to talk about whether there are any concerns or worries about the coming school year. It doesn’t have to be heavy but starting early is a good tip. Read more…

How can a parent or caregiver help a child who is feeling uncertain about the school year?

Parents can support their child by listening to their child’s concerns and validating their child’s emotions. If your child is upset or is anxious about the upcoming school year, take the time to understand what they’re feeling. Give them a chance to be heard and let them know that it’s normal to be feeling sad, anxious or worried. Read more…

Why are routines so important when it comes to going back to school?
Going from summer to a new school year can be really challenging, and a stressful time of the year for many families. Getting back into a routine a few days before school starts gives kids a chance to know what to expect. It gives families a chance to tweak something that maybe is not working with their routine, and it just gives them time to problem solve, before the first day of school. Read more…

How can we help kids with their social skills?
Summertime is a great opportunity to practice social skills. Every kid is different. Some kids have really struggled to get back out there and connect with their peers, and others are just diving right in. Pay attention to your children’s needs, and suggest different things, whether it’s just hanging out at the skate park, or the playground, and the opportunity to interact with other people will probably be a good idea to prepare them for one. Read more…

What are some tips for talking with my child?
Right now, what you can do is just have conversations. Don’t assume that your kids are okay, just open up some conversation and get an idea of where they are and how they’re feeling.

Sometimes just picking up natural opportunities to can talk can be really comforting because it doesn’t add a lot of pressure. So, if you are putting your masks away, or you’re out in the community, bring up different topics, ie, this is so nice that we get to do this, or what are you going to miss most, what are you looking forward to? Use those kinds of questions, or opportunities instead of sitting down and having a structured conversation. Read more…

How can I communicate better with my child?
Every child has been responding to the pandemic in different ways but it’s important that we pay attention to their response and any distress that they might have and picking up on their cues. It’s important to listen and to ask questions before responding because so often, as parents, we want to just dive in and give them some responses that make sense, but we might not actually take that time to hear what’s going on and to assess the intensity or how much distress they might be in.

What is one tip you have for parents or caregivers to communicate better with their kids?
One tip is that when your child is talking to you, stop what you’re doing and listen carefully to what your child has to say. When kids feel like they’re being heard, they’re more likely to come and talk to their parents again. Read more…

How do I know if my child needs mental health help?
Parents, you know your children best. So, if you’re seeing any changes in their attitude, or just daily habits (it can be tricky over the summer because some kids like to just hang out) but taking into consideration that there has been a lot of disruption over COVID, and you want to get them into a good start going back to school. It’s important not to let them slip into these bad habits because they might have trouble getting out of it later on. Picking up any cues that they’ve in bed too long, that they refuse to go out, their feelings are very intense – those kinds of things you should watch out for. Read more…

Why is self-care so important for parents and caregivers?
The mental health of our children very important, but the mental health of parents is equally important. If you are not prepared to deal with questions, then you might not be as effective in supporting your kids. It’s very important that parents check in with their own mental health – how are you feeling, how are you getting through this pandemic and getting the support you need, whether that means just taking time for yourself doing things that you enjoy or speaking to somebody. It’s important that you feel strong so that your kids can feel strong as well. Read more from our Parent Survival Guide…

What does sit in the yuck mean?
Sometimes simply validating your child’s feelings or as I like to say, ‘sitting in the yuck’ is enough to support your child. Feeling heard and understood is an intervention in itself. Sometimes we can’t fix their concern, or have control over what they’re worried about, ie, who their teacher will be, or how much longer do we have to worry about COVID. Just be with them – sit in their yuck with them.

To sit in the yuck with someone just means to be with them in their feelings, to allow them to express whatever they’re thinking or feeling, and just sitting in that, being with them, allowing them to be heard, holding that feeling for them, knowing that someone’s in their corner, someone sees them.

How can I start a conversation with a child who is struggling?
  • Approaching your child with curiosity and beginning by how you imagine they might be feeling. So, it could be something like, “I’m wondering if you’re feeling worried about starting school this year.”
  • Then offer validation (which is why you feel that they might be feeling this way. That could include: “I’m wondering if you’re worried about school, because it’s been so long since you’ve last been there, and because you don’t know who your teacher will be. And because new things are scary, sometimes.”
  • Then move into how are you going to support your child and allow for some discussion around “what do you need, I’m here for you. We’re going get through this together.”
    For more info about scripts to help your child click here.
My child has become more aggressive in school, what can I do?

When it comes to aggression, it’s important to set boundaries, and let the child know what is not accepted – hitting, screaming that sort of thing, but also let them know what they can do, where can they go to come down. What can they do? Who can they talk to? It’s very important that you reinforce what they can do. Also important is talking to them about their feelings, and it can be all sorts of feelings because anger really takes over when a child doesn’t know how to address the underlying feelings. Giving them some words to describe different feelings – maybe they feel lost, lonely, scared, anything like that, when you get to those feelings you can help them problem solve more effectively. They feel heard, they feel that they’ve been able to really understand what’s going on and they’re getting the help to do what’s right, and instead of getting angry. 



I’m worried my son doesn’t want to go to school because he has no friends

First off, I would validate the feelings that come with having no friends, such as fear and loneliness.  Second, I would talk to your son about making this year an opportunity rather than a bad situation he has to face for the entire school year. You can talk to your son about what makes a good friend and then play a game where he is a detective and it is his job to find a peer that he would like to befriend.  Once he’s identified that peer, you can support him by coaching him and giving him challenges every day and debriefing after school.  He might not make a forever friend on the first day, but he can practice his social skills until he finds a match! – Karene from Read more on School Relationships. 

How can I help my child with clinginess and anxiety before school?

If your child is clingy before school, it’s important to set up a routine where you’re saying, a nice goodbye but it’s not a lingering goodbye. Also, you’re not getting to school too early so that she has time to cling to you or your child has time to cling to you and worrying about what’s to come. It’s important also that you involve a teacher, they’re very used to these types of things, and they will help your child at just as they come into the classroom – Karene, EveryMind 

More tips below from Kathy at Hands The Family Help Network:

  1. Normalize your child’s feelings and let them know that it’s perfectly understandable to be nervous, especially when there’s something new or if it’s a change.
  2. Help them with healthy distractions. For example, in the morning, if they’re already for school, get them enlisted and helping with whatever you need help with.
  3. Let them know that you’re going to be there to pick them up at a certain time and it’s important that you be on time!
  4. If it’s a younger child, give them a favorite object they can bring from home to school
  5. Give them something to look forward to at school and at home, ie, looking forward to eating lunch with their friends, and coming home and watching a favorite show with you or their brother or sister when they get home.

My child is crying a lot at drop-off, what can I do?

I think, for any parent, it’s really hard to see our child’s distress. It’s really important to try to stay regulated yourself. Be matter-of-fact and remind yourself that your child is learning how to manage their emotions as they’re separated from you – and that’s a good thing. Everything is going to be okay, and they’re probably going to settle shortly after you leave. – Kathy at Hands The Family Help Network

My four-year-old daughter is very hands on and is hitting and kicking other kids to get what she wants. I've already heard from school, what can I do?

I think it’s common for adults to focus and notice behaviors, and sometimes we forget that behavior is communication and it’s important to try to help your child, label the feelings that are motivating the behavior. So, an example would be to say: ‘you seem like you’re feeling very frustrated right now’ and then to connect with them before you correct them. Ask them if there’s something you can do to help. It would be important to be sure that you’re very clear about what is the expected behavior.

We can’t assume that kids do know what they’re supposed to do at all times and also that they have problem-solving skills. That’s a skill that is learned over time.

And when they’re calm, that is a great time to teach alternative coping skills, ie, ask them ‘when you were mad at your friend, how could we have handled that differently, what else could we try.’ I would ignore negative behavior as much as possible as long as there’s no safety concerns. – Kathy at Hands The Family Help Network

What if my child is falling behind at school?

I’ve heard from a lot of parents who are really concerned about their kids having fallen behind in school and what are the implications for that. I completely understand why you’re worried about that, but we’ve talked to child psychiatrists and other colleagues and teachers and administrators, and everybody says the same thing: don’t worry about that. Now I know that’s hard to hear. But the reality is coming back to in-person school, the social part of that is actually far more important to kids in the long run than the learning losses. Kids are resilient and will pick it up the education. Teachers and administrators are ready to go on. They understand that there’s been some learning loss, but they’re going to change their curriculums, change how they’re teaching to get kids to catch up eventually. But not immediately. The most important thing right now is the social skills and making sure kids feel mentally comfortable at school and that their mental well-being is good. The learning will come. Be patient with that. – Kim Moran, CEO, CMHO

How to help my kid feel safe again after experiencing couple years of bullying?

Here are some tips from Sofia, a youth and family counsellor at Every Mind.

  • Try to encourage your child to acknowledge when they feel triggered, this includes noticing and communicating their feelings and/or body sensations to you or someone they trust (e.g. a friend or a teacher). Connecting body sensations with feelings can be very helpful since body sensations are more concrete experiences. Remind your child that it’s ok to feel this way.
  • Invite your child to have a safe object and space (at school and at home). Encourage your child to hold their safe object when feeling a strong feeling, body sensation/discomfort or when they are by themselves. This can help them to build inner resources so they can rely on themselves to feel safe.
  • Practice rehearsing with your child situations where they may encounter bullying or similar experiences. Introduce a case scenario and ask your child questions around how they can address these kinds of situations, e.g. what can you say to someone who says or does this — to you? By practicing how to deal with stressful situations/interactions, your child can develop self-confidence and learn to manage triggering situations.   
My daughter is 9 she has such anxiety ADHD and I'm desperately trying to figure out if she's on the spectrum or not. She has horrific fits of anger ... I am not getting the help I am constantly asking for I live in the North and I could use some help.

I know that it can be really challenging to access mental health services for children in the North. And we know that there are long waiting lists. And that is really difficult for kids and for their family. Some of the tips that I have for families who are waiting for services for their kids is to look at what else is available in your community. In the meantime, what else can you access? It could be something like Big Brothers Big Sisters, and maybe your child’s school offers an art program, or even looking at maybe your community has a drop-in. Another tip that I would have would be for parents to familiarize themselves with some online resources that are available, such as Kids Help Phone. There are lots of online resources that offer parenting strategies, resources, and it can be really nice to be able to access that from home. And last, but not least, and I would encourage families to continue to ask for help, and especially as things change or maybe things get worse Ann-Marie, Hands The Family Help Network

Also, look for resources from CMHO, including peer support groups or crisis centres/walk-in clinics in your area.

What can I do when my child (primary-school age) is angry and full of negative self-talk?

Sometimes children put themselves down after getting angry or exhibiting undesirable behaviour because kids, generally, want to do the right thing but struggle to manage their impulses and emotions. They may feel like they are failing to do what they’re expected to do and they may feel upset with the anger itself because typically it doesn’t feel good. It can feel really out of control.  First, I encourage families to communicate a message in their home that “bad” behaviour doesn’t make a person “bad”.  We all have strengths and we all need to pay attention to areas where we need to learn and grow. Second, it is important to point out moments of desired behaviour and met expectations – when your child might have calmed down effectively or made a good choice.  Also, pointing out strengths outside of the challenging issues – when your child is helpful or works through a difficult problem.  It is helpful for your child to point out examples themselves as well.  Lastly, children need to be taught practical skills to calm escalated emotions and address the thoughts that contribute to their behaviour.  Parents may be able to access resources to teach their kids at home or they may benefit from counselling support. — Karene, EveryMind 

I am my granddaughter’s guardian. She is 6 years. She’s a sensitive and very caring little girl. We have been waiting for counselling, but she has to wait 4 to 6 months. Could she have some kind of contact where she can discuss her feelings?

At Children’s Mental Health Ontario, we know that too many children and youth face long wait times for mental health treatment. We continue to advocate to the Ontario government to better fund child and youth mental health services and reduce these wait times. We know how hard it can be when you are waiting for care. In the meantime, please know that other services are available.

When you search our Find Help tool, you will find other services in your region, such as walk-in clinics and crisis lines which can provide short-term support to you and your child. Also, please consider connecting with a Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH) network in your area. This will give you a chance to connect with other parents and caregivers who have been through or are on a similar journey.

Also, in a previous question for advice on accessing services in Northern Ontario, one child and youth worker had this advice: “I know that it can be really challenging to access mental health services for children in the North. And we know that there are long waiting lists. And that is really difficult for kids and for their family. Some of the tips that I have for families who are waiting for services for their kids is to look at what else is available in your community. In the meantime, what else can you access? It could be something like Big Brothers Big Sisters, and maybe your child’s school offers an art program, or even looking at maybe your community has a drop-in. Another tip that I would have would be for parents to familiarize themselves with some online resources that are available, such as Kids Help Phone. There are lots of online resources that offer parenting strategies, resources, and it can be really nice to be able to access that from home. And last, but not least, and I would encourage families to continue to ask for help, and especially as things change or maybe things get worse.”

How do I help my autistic preschooler with social, separation and general anxiety transition to nursery school?

Often times this can be difficult for both the parent and the child. You can be proactive and aim to make the transition predictable by:

  • Coordinating a routine with your preschool, i.e. maybe there is a time in the morning that is usually a little less rushed, and stimulating where an educator has the flexibility to spend a little more time with your child
  • Discuss the routine in advance (i.e. morning of) going off to school. This can be done through brief social stories, a first/then board, a short video model or a chat about what the steps in the sequence can be. For example: Mom/Dad/Caregiver will drive you to school. When we get to the school, we will say ‘bye’ and you will go with your educator to do X/Y/Z (ex. play on the yard, get on your indoor shoes). After school, Mom/Dad/Caregiver will come and get you
  • Ask if your educator can provide positive reinforcement for a calm transition
  • Stay consistent with the routine for ideally at least two weeks before considering tweaking

Some extra tips: practice smaller transitions using similar strategies and wording away from where you think your son/daughter is more likely to transition more calmly (ex. going over to a family member’s home when you leave the home to do groceries) – Jonathan Pehleman, Clinical Supervisor, Autism Services, Maltby Centre

Watch Jonathan respond to this question 

What do I do when my child is hitting me? I can't defend myself because I will get in trouble with child welfare? I don't know what to do....

Many kids hit at some point for various reasons. They may lack skills to deal with frustration, lack impulse control, or think it will help them get what they want. It’s important to stress there is a “no hurt” rule in the home. We don’t recommend spanking because it can be confusing to children and can lead to increased aggression.

What can you do? First, remind them that hitting is not ok and that it doesn’t solve problems. If your child is out of control, that’s not a time to talk or give consequences. You need to be calm, too. I recommend parents create a calming corner in the child’s room, so rather than a time-out, they take time to calm down. Consider creating a “comfort kit” for their calming corner. It might have things like bubbles, colouring, drawing, favourite toy, playdoh, etc.

Also, help the child label their feelings. For example, you could say: ‘you seem frustrated, and that’s ok, but you don’t hit mom.’ When they are calm, that’s a good time to teach them coping skills. Parents can model coping skills and talk out loud about taking their own time away when they are upset. Parents can even role play with the children when they are calm and act out responses. Don’t forget to reward and praise when you see your child using their words to describe their feelings or use their calming corner.

If the parent/caregiver is concerned about their personal safety, it’s important to reach out to a child and youth mental health centre. Find one in your area. Walk-ins and crisis centres are also available, if needed. – Kathy, Child and Family Therapist, Hands The Family Help Network



My teen won't talk to me no matter what I try, they don't join the family for dinner anymore, they just go to school and go to their room. I'm worried and don't know how to find out what is happening in their life.

We recommend having an open demeanour and encouraging open communication. Let your teen know that they can come to you if they have a problem or are worried about something. Ideally, parents should model and encourage open communication early. If it hasn’t been the case, you have to be patient and give your teen time to feel safe and know that they can trust you. Be open to compromise and listen to them, even if you don’t agree with their perspective or choices. Try to validate them when they share how they feel with you.

Keep inviting your teen to join the family at dinner and family time, even if they say no or don’t say anything. Try to avoid putting pressure on them, looking frustrated or criticizing them if they don’t respond the way you would like to. Let them know that you care about them, want them to be well and that you also respect their personal needs. It is common that adolescents don’t talk to their parents as much as they used to when they were younger kids. Between ages 12-18 they are at stage of development where their identity as peers or part of a group of friends tends to be more important than being recognized as a family member.

If you have concerns about their mental health or worry that there is something more serious. You can tell them that you would like to support them and first you need to understand what they are dealing with. It can be helpful to offer options and open-ended questions rather than asking direct or yes/no questions, e.g. would you like to check with a counsellor or a family doctor? What can I do to support you? Is there anything you want me to do or stop doing?

It is also important that as a parent you reflect on your needs, if you find that your own mental health is being affected by stress or parenting, sometimes it’s helpful to get help for yourself first. Ensure that you talk to someone you trust and seek support if you feel that you need it. – Sofia, Youth and Family Counsellor, EveryMind

My grandson, age 6, has outbursts where he destroys everything in sight. And tries to hurt you. Kicking punching

Many kids hit at some point for various reasons. They may lack skills to deal with frustration, lack impulse control, or think it will help them get what they want. First, it would be helpful to identify if there are triggers for his aggression – reacting to being told “no” for example.  If so, try using alternatives to “no” such as “after supper we can”, etc. 

It’s important to stress there is a “no hurt” rule in the home. We don’t recommend spanking because it can be confusing to children and can lead to increased aggression.  Remain calm and do not talk a lot or give consequences when your child is angry.  Instead, remind him that hitting doesn’t solve problems, acknowledge that he is very angry and you would like to hear more about his feelings. 

This is not a time to reason or explain why you said “no” – focus on helping your child feel heard and understood.  It is helpful to create a calming corner in your home where he can distract himself with pleasant activities to help bring his brain “back online”.  Adults should model positive coping skills and talk out loud about taking their own time away when they need it.  Don’t forget to reward and praise when you see your child using their words to describe their feelings or use their calming corner instead of lashing out. 

Also, consider logical consequences. For example, when a toy or something is destroyed, it does not get replaced. However, the child could earn a replacement through using positive skills.

If the parent/caregiver is concerned about their personal safety, it’s important to attend a walk in clinic or use the crisis line at your local child and youth mental health centre.  It may be that the child has witnessed aggression or is struggling with a neuro-developmental challenge  – Kathy, Child and Family Therapist, Hands The Family Help Network

Hi my son is 6 and seems to have a lot of anxiety. It shows up if he thinks he’s going to be late to school or if he’s invited to a birthday party and we won’t be there with him. He won’t join sports because of it too and I’m worried and don’t want this to continue. What can I do to help him?

It is so hard to watch your child worry and miss out on things his peers are doing. You have discovered, of course, that reassurance and logic aren’t very helpful. It is important to validate your son’s experience, acknowledging that these things are really difficult for him. Let him know that just because we think something doesn’t make it the truth, and his “worry talk” scares him by exaggerating the chances that something bad will happen. Discuss how you might work together with your son to be a thought detective and search for evidence to “talk back” to worry. Often kids need reminders to spend more time in the present (what is) vs worrying about the future (what if….). It will be important to use a “bravery ladder” with gradual exposure and rewards to help him face his fears, as continued avoidance of feared activities will make his anxiety grow. An example might be encouraging him to visit at the friend’s home one-to-one if possible before the birthday party. On the day of the party, make a plan with the parent to pick your son up right after presents are opened. He will likely manage the “structured” part of the party fine, but potentially worry about being left out during free playtime. There are many great books for both kids and parents on this topic. A great online resource is Anxiety Canada.  Should your child’s avoidance persist, reach out to your local child and youth mental health centre to access individual or group support.  – Kathy, Child and Family Therapist, Hands The Family Help Network

Thank you!


Thank you to child and youth mental health workers for sharing your expert advice:

Karene Martin-Russell, Child and Family Clinician, EveryMind

Ann-Marie Gagne, Bilingual Child and Youth Worker, Hands The Family Help Network

Kathy Hewitt, Child and Family Therapist, Hands The Family Help Network

Stephanie Rhys, Child and Family Clinician, EveryMind 

Sofia Pelaez, Youth and Family Counsellor, EveryMind